About Us
iDig2Learn celebrates NYC nature and restorative practices by
inviting the young and young-at-heart to experience our natural world.
Through growing food gardens, planting trees and flowers, creating urban green roofs and hosting community events we discover our deeper connection to all living things within our skies, land and water.
iDig2Learn loves getting up close and personal with plant life which has served as an anchor
to explore the origin of food and also nourish new friendships.
We invite you to join us year round as we learn more from our
plant, bird, butterfly, mushroom and marine friends about our role within their realm.
Photo: Olya Turichin
Nature is generous and with human support
we can protect all we hold dear.
Our Mission
iDig2Learn's serves as a gateway to high nature, low waste experiences which enhance our lives
and that of surrounding life in our midst.

PHOTO: Akylbai Eleusizov

Our Vision
When we have positive experiences in nature and build our expertise together, we are more likely to care for each other and our world.
We strongly believe that everyone deserves clean water, air and land and when we come together to protect those essential resources we form bonds and friendships that last for decades.
PHOTO: Audrey Gray
Founding Story
In 2012, Christina Delfico founded iDig2Learn because she recognized the need for a local organization that would connect city children and their families with nature.
Leveraging her expertise as an Emmy-nominated children's media producer, she saw the chance to disconnect children from their screens and get them outside.
Developing and facilitating enriching opportunities soon expanded to include spotlighting smart waste reduction practices to support a healthy environment.
Today, iDig2Learn creates experiences for
all ages and abilities.

Our Partners
iDig2Learn is where we are today thanks to the
generosity of partners.
We Dig 2 Learn and with the help and guidance
of experts every day we know more.
Thanks to all our plant, butterfly, bird, wild bee, tree, leaf, marine, mushroom and more friends for showing us
the sky, land and water.
We are nothing without you!
If you would like to team up with us please contact us.
We love supporting local talent, the arts and nature.
